Aims and Objectives
The Aims and Objectives of Ryshivana
Human being is a gradually evolving micro-cosmos. He has
encapsulated within the self the mineral, biological, social,
psychological, intellectual, moral levels presided by spiritual
Only when there is internal harmony and steady thrust towards
integration of all the elements and confluence of energies of
supreme love, there is integral healing, wellness,
meaningfulness and wholeness.
It is the only way to experience new life deep within each one,
and among all in the human society. For, a true spiritual seeker
does not have enemies or competitors, but only co-pilgrims of
peace and selfless love.
This happens through our God-encounter that liberates us from
disintegrative forces and leads us to the summit of transforming
union here and beyond.
The Carmelite Order in the Catholic Church is meant “to live,
witness and promote this authentic Christian spirituality”. The
Western Indian Province of the Carmelite order known as
Karnataka – Goa Province, wanting to be true to its identity, is
present actively on the platform of dialogue with all great
religious proponents in India, and has instituted several
institutes of spirituality.
Ryshivana is an instance of such a thrust to offer a favorable
context to all seekers of truth and goodness so that the world
would be a confluence of uniting forces; and not a victim of
divisive destruction.
Hence the basic aim of Ryshivana is to “lead all sincere seekers
of spirituality, irrespective of caste, color, gender, religion
or nationality to the authentic interior stillness and initiate
into contemplative prayer.