internationally known for Inner Silence and Contemplation, organizes
courses, seminars and retreats for priests, religious and laity.
There are long term courses, short term course and also retreats for
one week, two weeks and one month.
The long term course consists of 8 months renewal programme that
begins on 1st of August and ends in March. It consists of three
semesters. Primarily it is for the religious women who are above 40
years or who have completed 5 years after the final vows. The
emphasis is on Inner Silence, Sacred Scripture, Spirituality,
Religious Life, psycho – spiritual maturity and Holistic
Integration. No exams, no dissertation. For the details of the
programme, kindly see the brochure of the Institute.
There are several short term courses. The duration of each course is
about two and half months. The intended participants are men and
women religious. The emphasis is on Vita Consecrata. Input sessions
will be on Sacred Scripture, emotional maturity, Religious Life and
Contemplative Prayer. For details, see the brochure.
Besides a number of retreats are conducted by the Institute.
Basically the orientation is “Growth in Prayer”. The retreats begin
on Sunday evening and end on Saturday noon. For details, see the
section on RETREATS.